Key to a woman’s heart must be the most colossal understatement uttered by mankind…ever. This comically wrong oversimplification keeps men busy trying to solve for the undefined – how to win a woman’s heart. This is on par with easy stuff, like dividing by zero. Being proud or hopelessly desperate we won’t rest until we decipher, unearth, or forge this key. Very few will choose to live, dine or die alone if given our druthers.
Sadly, a woman’s heart has no key, keyhole, pin pad, nor swipe access card thingy. There never was, nor will there ever be. If the ultimate goal were to gain the affection of one woman on a single day since the dawn of “women-dom” I’d need the planet-wide effort of every man to devote a lifetime of unified struggle and still not get it right.
Romance is alive and well (to me at least) at Casa Lund with a second puppy on the way, upgrades to our beloved espresso machine by having the side and back panels professionally painted in Ferrari red, and lastly by covert purchase of a silly Frisbee sized robot vacuum to help offset our, soon-to-double in size pet hair problem. I’m doubly smart because the lil’ vacuum slave is being presented today on Friday the 13th – Valentine’s eve if you will.
Anyway, my theory is that with less effort on her part to sweep the floors, she’ll have more time to devote to intimate, wifely duties – with me, hopefully! With nearly 25 years together as husband and wife, I consider myself blessed. I look forward to the next 25…. Love you more, Babe! Happy Valentine’s Day!
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